Word Swag App - Generate Cool Text, Words & Quotes on Your Photos

    Word Swag for Android is the application of inserting artistic text into a reliable image that any selfie fanatic should also install on the device. Word Swag for Android helps you convey every message to your photos in the most unique way.

Hình ảnh có liên quan

    Download application to insert text into Word Swag image for Android
- Creating a nice-looking text layout can take us a few minutes, even hours when editing them in Photoshop. However, with Word Swag for Android, users only need one touch. It owns a proprietary Typomatic engine that can shorten this stage. It will turn your words into multi-nuanced, artistic lines on each photo.

Kết quả hình ảnh cho word swag app android

    Highlights of Word Swag for Android
- Create personal style quotes
- Create beautiful letters posted on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr
- Create art letters for blogs
- Insert captions on images
- Create announcements and flyers
- Convert words into a professional design
- Hundreds of inspirational sayings, never miss a word
- Impress your friends with your impressive design
- Watercolor lettering effects, seals and golden stars
- Easily share designs on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest & Tumblr
- Includes 41 unique font styles created and updated constantly by the world-class graphic design team
- 590,000 totally free wallpapers of Pixabay
- 22 filters harmonize images with typography

Kết quả hình ảnh cho word swag app androidHình ảnh có liên quan
    How Word Swag works for Android
- Step 1: Select the image
- Step 2: Edit the text (can choose a quote or maxim available)
- Step 3: Choose one of 48 font styles or Word Swag for Android automatically creates a beautiful, modern text design
- Step 4: Don't like that design? Users have 5 other options. If you want more, touch the square button
- Step 5: Now you can save and share your creative products with people on Instagram, Twitter & Facebook
    If you want to respond to any issues when you experience the Word Swag for Android, please write to: feedback@wordswag.co to get help.

Kết quả hình ảnh cho word swag app androidKết quả hình ảnh cho word swag app android
    Change in the new version of Word Swag for Android
- Fix the error saved on S8
-Copy and paste functions have been improved on Samsung devices
- Fix other annoying errors from user feedback
    If you are looking for an application that inserts quotes, maxims, or any message on the image, making them more "soulful", Word Swag for Android is a good choice. Word Swag for Android is now available on Google Play Store for VND 88,000.
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